My Cultural Artifact

The chosen artifact that I picked was lipstick because I felt it represents a feminine part of being a women. This cultural artifact says a lot about gender expression because of how women put it on to express how they want to look. Reinforcing ideas of gender expression because it's been around for so many centuries and decades. From a different point in time women go back to as far as the 1800’s wearing shades of red to marvelous events. This does not push back traditional ideas but brings it forward to our present day. To add on, in a way it does go against tradition in a way because of how it is now not only being used for women but also for men. This goes against the tradition of only women wearing lipstick and completely goes against something a traditional man would do back in the day.

This cultural artifact has changed the way I think of gender expression because it made me realize that it expresses a lot of the way women look. I also think that this representation of my artifact in pop culture is how I try to use it. By this is mean I look at how it is used, try to embody it, and really look up to how those on television and in the magazines use it. This has also impacted my identity because it is something I wear a lot and it represents how I want the public to see me. Another way this has impacted me is how it makes me feel more vibrant as a female and confident. It betters my personal experience as a female by making me more presentable and self- assured. Lastly, coming from the perspective of a women I also feel that a lot of other women are changed by this artifact because it changes the way we act and how we carry ourselves around others.

After examining the cultural artifact using Wendy Griswold’s cultural diamond the cultural artifact that I chose was lipstick because it is my favorite product. The cultural world in which this lipstick exist I would describe as diverse because people from all different backgrounds, races, and genders use it. It has been more public now in our current day and is encouraged by make up companies today to be used by everyone! Additionally, the creators of this cultural artifact are big name brands like MAC, Sephora, and Ulta. The receivers and intended audience would be women and teenage girls. However, in our current day their targeted audience could also be for anyone and this means both men and women.


  1. I love that you picked lipstick as the product! Back then the lipstick was only meant for women to wear, but now men also are able to wear lipstick as well. Seeing the ad's and commercials of women wearing lipstick and looking beautiful definitely makes me want to wear it more and feel just as beautiful as them. There are many different reasons that people want to wear lipstick. You could wear it to feel more confident, wanting to look like the models that wear it, or just because its pretty. I agree with you about the big makeup companies are now encouraging women and men to use their products.

  2. I agree with how you say that it pushes back against old tradition that men cannot wear lipstick. Although, as I do work at Ulta on the sales floor when I see men coming in that do use makeup, and lipstick in particular, they are always feminine. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but it does seem as though even when the notion that only women can use lipstick being pushed back on; the media portrays the men that use lipstick as hyper-sexualized in a feminine way in ads especially. As for makeup such as foundation and bronzer I have seen 1 male, out of 2 years, that wasn't feminine buy foundation and various other beauty products for a natural look. I honestly think that makeup is great especially when you feel like crap, so I do hope for a time when buying makeup is geared towards all peoples as a social norm.

  3. Hi Melissa! I really liked that you picked lipstick. I personally love makeup but I only ever wear it a couple times a month when I go out. I think today, makeup is seen by many as an escape to make themselves feel better about their appearance. It makes me sad because girls should never wear makeup so others can see them differently. I once had a friend tell me she felt forced to wear makeup to school because she has acne. It shouldn't be like that at all. If someone wants to wear makeup it should be to treat themselves not because they want to be something else to the public. I have never worn makeup to school and never will because I think if someone is going to accept me they will do it regardless if I am wearing makeup or not. It's okay to wear makeup everyday if it makes you happy, but it should never feel forced. Overall, your analysis was great and I loved how you mentioned that makeup is breaking boundaries and anyone can use it now regardless of who they are.

  4. I really like your ideas. It is so interesting how times have changed regarding lipstick, even though it is such a simple thing. It is great that these traditional gender roles are finally changing. I love how there are now many male makeup artists and influencers, and how some of them even have made their own makeup lines. I love how you mentioned this and how gender expression is evolving and becoming more acceptable in society.


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